Filing Fee Application

Graduate students (who meet the criteria below) can apply for a Filing Fee and pay a nominal fee in lieu of standard tuition and registration fees. Filing Fee is intended for students who are in good academic standing and who have completed all degree requirements except for filing their dissertation or thesis, submitting their capstone project, or taking their comprehensive exam.  Graduate students who are approved to use a Filing Fee will have the entire academic term to complete their degree requirements.  While on Filing Fee status, a student may no longer: take courses, be employed by UCLA, receive financial support, or access certain campus services.

Students may use the Filing Fee application only if they were registered for the previous academic term, and satisfy the eligibility criteria below.

Summary of Filing Fee Requirements

Summary of Filing Fee Requirements*


Both doctoral and master’s students must have been registered the previous academic term. For more information see below.

All students must have advanced to candidacy at least one quarter prior to the term of Filing Fee usage.



Students check eligibility by clicking the “Check your eligibility” button above.  If not eligible, a student will see the reason (i.e. has a hold, low GPA) along with instructions for what to do to become eligible. If eligible, the student can fill out a short form.

After submitting an application, a student (and a student’s department) will receive an email confirming submission with a link where they may view the status of the application as it makes its way to all required signers: Program Chair (Master’s Plan II Capstone Project or Comprehensive Exam), Committee Members (Master’s Plan I Thesis or doctoral dissertation), and UCLA Division of Graduate Education.

The online form sends requests to all faculty who are required to sign, as well as a notification to the student’s Student Affairs Officer.

Once approved or denied, the student and the student’s department will be emailed.  Upon approval, the fee will be posted to a student’s Bruin Bill.  The fee for Summer 2024 is $201. Effective Fall 2024, the fee is $209.

Application Deadline

Graduate students who are approved to use a Filing Fee will have the entire academic term to complete their degree requirements.

A graduate student seeking to use the Filing Fee must submit a completed application with all necessary approvals by the established 5 p.m. PT deadline of the Filing Fee usage term.  For Fall, Winter, and Spring academic terms, the deadline is Tuesday of Week 1 of the Filing Fee usage term.  For Summer, the deadline is 8 business days prior to the last day of Summer Session C.

See Filing Deadlines Chart.

Filing Fee Usage

Students must complete their limited remaining degree requirements during the following period: the day after the previous quarter ends through the last day of the Filing Fee usage quarter. Completion of degree requirements means submission of a thesis or dissertation with all committee member approvals OR submission of the capstone with the results of a comprehensive examination or capstone project.

Suspended Services

  • Student bus privileges
  • Parking
  • BruinOnline Services
  • Financial support (fellowships, financial aid, grants, employment on any ASE and/or GSR title)
  • UCSHIP Coverage

Continued Services

  • Library and/or Recreation Center access by paying a public user fee.
  • May have access to the UCLA Early Care and Education (ECE) program. Eligibility while on Filing Fee is determined on a case-by-case basis.


Eligibility for student housing may be affected. Students living in campus housing should check with the Office of Housing and Residential Services.

* Excerpted from Standards and Procedures.

Eligibility Criteria

If a student has completed, while registered, all requirements for a degree except for the doctoral final oral examination (defense), master’s comprehensive examination, or submission of the master’s capstone project, the student may be eligible to pay a Filing Fee during the quarter in which the degree is to be awarded instead of registering. Four conditions must be satisfied to be eligible for this fee:

  1. All formal requirements for the degree, except for filing the thesis/dissertation and/or taking the master’s comprehensive/doctoral final oral examination or submitting the master’s comprehensive capstone project, must be completed before the first day of classes;
  2. Since last being registered and up to the first day of classes, the combined use of University facilities and faculty time must not exceed 12 hours;
  3. During the quarter in question, the thesis/dissertation committee suggested only stylistic and/or typographical changes in the thesis/dissertation OR, in the case of master’s comprehensive examinations OR, in the case of master’s capstone projects, the faculty only graded the final comprehensive project; and
  4. The student must have been registered in the previous academic term.

Important Notes

  • While on Filing Fee students must meet certain criteria to be eligible to purchase voluntary UCSHIP coverage. For more information, students must contact Ashe Student Health & Wellness Center.
  • Students paying the Filing Fee are not eligible for the privileges normally accorded regularly registered students, such as the use of University facilities, other than the attention of the faculty necessary for the final reading of the dissertation or thesis and/or the taking of a doctoral final oral examination or master’s comprehensive examination or the grading of the master’s capstone project.
  • A student may not use this fee for the purpose of taking course work of any kind.
  • If the student is a fellowship or assistantship holder, an alien with a certain visa or one whose status depends on maintenance
    of a particular course load, the student is not eligible to use the Filing Fee.
  • The Filing Fee is not a substitute for registration for purposes of deferring student loans.
  • If, after paying the Filing Fee in any one quarter, and a student should find it necessary to use the educational facilities of the University in any way other than requiring the attention of the faculty for a final reading of the dissertation or thesis or the taking of a doctoral final oral examination or master’s comprehensive examination or the grading of the master’s capstone project, the student must resume registration and enrollment before Friday of Week 10. If this late registration and enrollment occurs during a quarter in which the student has already paid the Filing Fee, the student must notify the Academic and Postdoctoral Services office at to cancel the Filing Fee.  Please note that the Filing Fee is non-refundable.  However, students who cancel the Filing Fee within the usage term are eligible to pay and use the Filing Fee in any future term.  Filing Fee cancellations after Friday of Week 10 are not allowed and the Filing Fee will be considered “spent”.
  • The Filing Fee will not be refunded because the dissertation or thesis was not filed or the examination not taken or passed.  The student must apply for readmission for the following academic term.
  • If a student is on an approved Filing Fee and is registered for the term, they must submit a query to the DGE Portal or email, and we will notify the Registrar’s Office on the student’s behalf to cancel registration fees.

Frequently Asked Questions


1. Does a graduate student need to be registered in summer to use the fall Filing Fee?

No, but the graduate student must have been either registered for classes or registered in absentia in the Spring. If the student was on a Leave of Absence in the Spring, s/he cannot be on Filing Fee status in the Fall.  If the student was on a Leave of Absence in the Spring, and registers and enrolls in summer, then s/he is eligible to be on Filing Fee status in the Fall.  If a student has lapsed status and intends to return in the Fall, they are not eligible for Filing Fee and must apply for readmission.

2. Can a graduate student advance to candidacy while on Filing Fee status?

No. All graduate students must have advanced to candidacy at least one quarter prior to the term of filing fee usage.

3. May a graduate student hold employment at UCLA while using a Filing Fee?

A graduate student may not be employed in a) an Academic Apprentice Personnel Title (AAP) such as Graduate Student Researcher (GSR), Teaching Assistant/Associate/Fellow (TA), Reader or Tutor per Academic Apprentice Personnel Manual, page 6, b) an academic title at UCLA per Standards and Procedures for Graduate Study at UCLA, page 34 (for a list of academic titles, see UC Office of the President Index of Academic Title Names) or c) a Staff Research Assistant/Associate in lieu of the GSR title unless under special circumstances and with the pre-approval by the Division of Graduate Education per GSR Administrative Policies. For questions about academic apprentice appointments while a graduate student please contact Fellowships & Financial Services at (310) 825-1025.

4. If a graduate student was on an official Leave of Absence last quarter can they use a Filing Fee this quarter?

No. To be eligible to use the Filing Fee, a graduate student must have been registered in the previous quarter.

5. If a graduate student is registered in absentia this quarter can they use a Filing Fee next quarter?

Yes. Being registered in absentia qualifies a graduate student to use the Filing Fee.

6. If a master’s student finished their coursework last fall and has not been registered in two quarters can they still pay the Filing Fee?

No. If a graduate student has not been registered or on an official Leave of Absence, they must apply for readmission to your program.

7. If a graduate student applies for readmission can they use a Filing Fee the quarter they are readmitted?

No. If a graduate student is readmitted, they must register the first quarter.


1. What is the deadline to submit a Filing Fee application?

View the Deadlines page.

2. What is the Filing Fee deadline for summer?

For summer, the deadline is 8 business days prior to the last day of Summer Session C.

3. Will exceptions be granted to the Filing Fee application deadline or filing deadline?

Generally, no exceptions will be granted. Extraordinary circumstances warranting consideration are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.


1. What does continuous registration mean?

All graduate students must be either registered for classes, on an official leave of absence, registered in absentia, or on filing fee for each quarter at UCLA. If a graduate student does not register, apply for a leave, or pay the filing fee, s/he is considered to have withdrawn from the university and must apply for readmission to return.

2. For what length of time is the Summer Filing Fee valid?

The summer Filing Fee is valid until the last day of Summer Session C.

3. If a graduate student paid the Filing Fee but didn’t finish their thesis or dissertation or take their final exam. What should they do?

If a graduate student did not complete their final degree requirements within the term in which they paid the Filing Fee, they must apply for readmission for the following academic term and will need to register and enroll in order to complete their degree OR register and enroll in a minimum of four units during the Summer term.

4. If a graduate student is going to be on Filing Fee this term, but was assessed registration fees, how can they cancel the registration fees for the term?

If a graduate student is eligible to use the Filing Fee for the term in which they expect to complete their final degree requirements and has NOT paid registration fees for the term, they may use MyUCLA to declare nonattendance. Declaring nonattendance will cancel their registration fees. If their Filing Fee is approved by the Division of Graduate Education then they will be billed the Filing Fee in lieu of full registration fees.

If a graduate student PAID registration fees for the term, they must submit a query to the DGE Portal or email, and DGE  will notify the Registrar’s Office on the student’s behalf to cancel registration fees.

5. Why does a graduate student need to include the date that they have taken or will take their doctoral final examination, take their master’s comprehensive examination or submit their master’s capstone project on the Filing Fee application?

Graduate students are eligible to use the Filing Fee when they have met all requirements for a degree except for the doctoral final oral examination (defense), master’s comprehensive examination, or submission of the master’s capstone project. By including these dates (as applicable) on their application it will help our office confirm their eligibility.

6. Can a graduate student hold employment at UCLA after completing degree requirements on Filing Fee?

Graduate students on Filing Fee cannot hold Academic Student Employees (ASE) employment while completing degree requirements. However, students may hold staff employment in the remainder of the ‘final quarter’ after completing degree requirements.

7. If a graduate student does not complete their capstone project or comprehensive exam, thesis or dissertation, during the Filing Fee usage term and consequently has to apply for readmission and pay registration fees, is that Filing Fee still “spent?”

Yes. If a graduate student is unsuccessful in completing all degree requirements during the Filing Fee usage term, s/he cannot use the Filing Fee again.

8. Can a graduate student subsequently use a Filing Fee at another UC campus?

Yes. They can use one here and then one at another UC as applicable.