UCLA Graduate Schools, Departments, & Institutes

Graduate programs at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) organized by school, department, division, and institute.

Urban Planning Department

Urban planning is a vibrant field, and the UCLA Department of Urban Planning is by almost any measure an elite and thriving program. Our faculty include many of the most widely-read planning scholars in the world, a cadre of action-oriented practice-faculty, and a steady stream of prominent visitors from the world of practice.

A 2009 Thomson Reuters study of urban studies scholarship ranked UCLA #1 in research publications in the U.S. over the five year period from 2004 to 2008. The most comprehensive study of planning faculty research, published in the Journal of Planning Education and Research in 2004, ranked the UCLA Urban Planning faculty as the most cited in North America.


Master’s Degree
Master’s Degree (on path to Doctorate)