UCLA Fees for Visiting Graduate Researchers

Fees to be Paid Upon Application

The Visa processing and administrative fees and Graduate Division administrative fees for the entire length of stay are due upon application and are non-refundable. Payment of VGR fees is required unless there is in place an official exchange agreement or memorandum of understanding that stipulates explicitly a waiver of VGR or campus fees.

Fees to be Paid Upon Temporary Approval

The quarterly library access fees must be paid by the VGR and are non-refundable. All other fees may be paid by either the VGR or department/institute, at the department/institute’s discretion and are non-refundable. Note: At this time we cannot accept third-party payments for the VGR application and campus fees.


A reappointment is a new transaction and is not counted as a continuing quarter (i.e. the Graduate Division administrative fees of $250 will be charged for the first quarter of the reappointment and $100 for each subsequent quarter). All fees are assessed with the exception of the International Institute fee (for international VGRs). Visa fees may be assessed again based on a) the reappointment dates or b) whether there is a lapse of time between the end of the initial appointment and the start of the reappointment.

*Effective July 1, 2021, the VGR Graduate Division Administrative Fee will increase to $325 for the first quarter and $125 for each additional quarter. Any VGR application submitted before AND with initial fees paid prior to July 1st will be at the previous rates ($250 first quarter/$100 additional quarter). Any applications submitted on OR paid after July 1st will be at the new rates.

International VGR

Domestic VGR

First Quarter

Graduate Division fee



Visa Processing & Administrative fee

(per year)

Information Technology (IT) fee



Library Access fee



International Institute fee

(no charge for reappointments)

First Quarter Total






Each Additional Quarter

Graduate Division fee



Information Technology (IT) fee



Library Access fee



Additional Quarter Total






Yearly Total (4 quarters)






Additional Fees

UCLA Visiting Scholar Benefit Plan (VSBP) health insurance (via Gallagher Benefits Services) must be purchased if VGR is unable to provide proof of comparable coverage. The VSBP plans range in price from $52.00 to $641.00 per VGR with additional fees applied for spouses and dependents. Please review the Visiting Scholar Benefit Plan for medical plans, rates, and additional information.

VGR appointments lasting three months and longer are eligible for a BruinCard.  The department can request an Affiliate/Guest BruinCard through the BruinCard Office following Graduate Division Final Approval. The $7.50 Affiliate/Guest BruinCard fee must be paid by recharge ID through the department.