WASC Inventory of Educational Effectiveness Indicators for Graduate Programs at UCLA

The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) Inventory of Educational Effectiveness Indicators for Graduate Programs at UCLA provides information on graduate degrees offered, requirements used for degree completion (e.g., exams, thesis, or dissertation), and date of the last Academic Senate review of each program.

Definitions of terms used in this document (approved by the Graduate Council):

  • Thesis
    Every masters’ degree thesis plan program requires the completion of an approved thesis that demonstrates the student’s ability to perform original, independent research.
  • Dissertation
    Every doctoral degree program requires the completion of an approved dissertation that demonstrates the student’s ability to perform original, independent research and constitutes a distinct contribution to knowledge in the principal field of study.

UCLA’s Graduate Division maintains a website that provides the official Graduate Council-approved outline of program requirements for all graduate and professional degree programs offered through the Graduate Division. It is updated and published annually and students are subject to the degree requirements as published for their program for the year in which they matriculate.