Average Number of Applicants |
3 |
Average Number of Admits |
3 |
Percent of Applicants Admitted |
82% |
Average Number of New Registrants |
2 |
Percent of Admits Registered |
64% |
Notes and definitions
Applications, Admits, and New Registrants data are the averages for Fall 2019 - Fall 2023. |
View more admissions data:Annual snapshot |
Average Number of Registrants Fall Term |
5 |
Percent Women |
29% |
Percent Underrepresented Minorities |
13% |
Percent International Students |
4% |
Percent with a Master's Degree Objective |
100% |
Percent with a Doctoral Degree Objective |
0% |
Notes and definitions
Average Number of Registrants Fall Term = Average number enrolled for Fall 2019 - Fall 2023. This is adjusted for those programs that have not been in existence for the entire five years. |
View more enrollment data:Historical trends |
Total Number of Master's Degrees Awarded |
8 |
Average Time to Master's Degree (In Years) |
2.21 |
Total Number of Doctoral Degrees Awarded |
0 |
Average Time to Doctoral Degree (In Years) |
Average Registered Time to Doctoral Degree (In Years) |
Notes and definitions
Total masters and doctoral degree data are the number of degrees awarded from
2018-19 through 2022-23. |
MORE PROGRAM STATISTICSFor historical information about this program please view the UCLA Graduate Programs Statistics Dashboard. |