Students meeting in an on-campus coffee shop

Admissions Requirements for the Graduate Major in Latin American Studies


After exploring options and choosing a specific program, follow the steps on our University’s graduate application process:

Deadlines to apply

February 1, 2024

Admission Limited to


Exams & GRE Types

GRE: General

Letters of Recommendation

3, from academics, unless the applicant has been away from school for some time, in which case one of the letters may be from an employer.

UCLA-Wide Graduate Admissions Requirements

Degree-Specific Admissions Requirements

In addition to the University's minimum requirements and those listed above, all applicants are expected to submit a statement of purpose discussing the applicant's background in Latin American Studies, proposed program of study, and future career plans, and a research paper or other writing sample that well demonstrates writing and analystical skills. An applicant may also choose to submit an optional resume or curriculum vitae describing both academic and Latin American experience.

All applicants should meet minimum requirements in at least one language of Latin America.

Several options are available to combine the M.A. in Latin American Studies with a professional degree. After acceptance by both the Latin American Studies Program and the respective professional school, students may pursue both degrees simultaneously.

Latin American Studies, M.A./Urban and Regional Planning, M.U.R.P.

The Latin American Studies Program and the Department of Urban Planning offer a two and one-half to three-year concurrent degree program leading to an MA degree in each program. Issues related to migration and settlement, comparative urbanization, human resources development and distribution, and rural economics are all of direct concern to planners and other policymakers working in Latin America. The program provides an integrated curriculum through which students can develop professional knowledge and skills while receiving advanced area studies and language training.

Program and the graduate adviser in the Department of Urban Planning.

Management, M.B.A./Latin American Studies, M.A.

The Anderson Graduate School of Management and the Latin American Studies Program jointly sponsor a three-year concurrent degree program designed for individuals preparing for careers in international management with a special focus on the Latin American region. Establishment of the program was predicated on the belief that individuals employed in the area of international business and management are better equipped to meet the challenges of their employment with complementary preparation in language and regional studies. Application materials should be requested separately from both schools.

Latin American Studies, M.A./Education, M.Ed.

The Department of Education and the Latin American Studies Program offer an articulated degree program which allows students to combine study for the M.A. in Latin American Studies and the M.Ed., with an emphasis in curriculum. Articulated programs do not allow course credit to be applied toward more than one degree. This program is not currently accepting applications.

Latin American Studies, M.A./ Information Studies, M.L.I.S.

The M.L.I.S./M.A. Latin American Studies is an articulated degree program of the Department of Information Studies and the Latin American Studies Program. The student can obtain two degrees: the M.L.I.S. and the M.A. in Latin American Studies. Further details may be obtained from the graduate adviser in the Latin American Studies Program and the graduate adviser in the Department of Information Studies.

Latin American Studies, MA/Public Health, MPH

The School of Public Health and the Latin American Studies Program have arranged an articulated degree program, organized to permit specializations within the MA. And the MPH degrees, with the award of both degrees after approximately three years of graduate study. Qualified students apply to the graduate adviser of the Latin American Studies MA degree program and to a relevant area of public health, such as (1) environmental and nutritional sciences, (2) epidemiology, (3) health education, (4) population and family health.

Potential applicants should contact the Graduate Adviser, Latin American Studies, and/or the Public Health/Latin American Studies Articulated Degree Program Adviser, School of Public Health.

Program Name

Latin American Studies

Latin American Studies is an interdepartmental program.   Interdepartmental programs provide an integrated curriculum of several disciplines.

Leading to the degree of


Major Code



10373 Bunche Hall
Box 951487
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1487


(310) 206-6571

